Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Defining Success

As we start to figure out our journey we must rely on someone other than ourselves. For some that may be multiple contact points, for others it may be just one. I have found that if I do not include multiple contact points for reference that I am out of balance so to speak. Your point of contacts do not make the decision but are there to act as a sounding board or a constant reminder of who you want to become. I have always said to my now adult children that "they can be anything they want to be", but it has to be what they want. It cannot be what mom or dad wants, or friends or a spouse. In order to make sure that you can drive yourself to through the journey, it must come from within.
There is One that I always use as a point of contact and that is because He has never let me down. I have often let Him down but He has always kept His commitments and blessed me throughout my life. Heavenly Father has always been the main point of contact for me. If that does not work for you, that's okay, find something that will. However, if it is not Him you are missing out on a glorious guide, mentor, an honest contributor to your life. He will not make decisions for me, but having given me a guide he confirms my decisions, my goals, my life. For what is a house? No matter how a house is built, whether on stone or sand - without Heavenly Father in it, as the foundation, as the roof, as the door in and out, a home is just a shell with people inside. You may have the warmth of a heater, the coolness of air conditioning, the cleanliness of water, but until He is in your house and part of you the true waters will not be tasted nor used to clean.

Bring him into your life now and your journey will become more clear, your path more strong and your life so full.

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